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Avoid the Collatz Conjecture at All Costs!
joel solves the collatz conjecture
I Proved the Collatz Conjecture
How I FAILED to solve the Collatz Conjecture
Short Update: Four ways YOU could make progress with the Collatz Conjecture
Collatz Conjecture Explained- 3n+1 Problem- Unsolved Problems in Mathematics- The Collatz Conjecture
Interesting patterns in Collatz Conjecture
Proof of the Collatz Conjecture. Problem 3n+1 solved!
3n+1 Ep33: A 3n+1 cellular automaton for 3n+1.
The Man Who Solved the $1 Million Math Problem...Then Disappeared
The Collatz Conjecture... but in Binary
The Collatz Conjecture - Fundamental Equation Found and Proven